Leonardo da Vinci Programme

The Institute of Professional Financial Managers (IPFM) on September 30th, 2010 concluded its participation in the Leonardo da Vinci lifelong learning programme project “Development and Approbation of Applied Courses Based on the Transfer of Teaching Innovations in Finance and Management for Further Education of Entrepreneurs and Specialists in Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria” co-financed by the European Union.

The aim of the project was to develop and adapt 10 further education courses for integration into further education systems in Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria as well potentially others.

The project involved international cooperation between five partners: the University of Latvia (leading partner), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Employers’ Confederation of Latvia and the Institute of Professional Financial Managers.

The role of the IPFM has been to provide source material and adapt two of the 10 courses: “Analysis of the Operation and Financial Condition of the Enterprise” and “Applying International Financial Reporting Standards”. The IPFM has also provided expert assessments of the eight other courses on topics in finance and business administration developed within the project (five by the University of Latvia and three by Vytautas Magnus University). Finally, representatives from the IPFM had conducted approbation of the adopted courses and conducted seminars on electronic learning platforms for project participants in Riga.

The IPFM is pleased with this experience of international cooperation between a diverse set of institutions in Europe and hopes that the experience may be repeated again.